Top 5 Most Famous Search Engines 2021

Top 5 Most Famous Search Engines 2021:

Top 5 Most Famous Search Engines 2021

Search Engines in context of Internet Simply means  those platforms used for searching anything on internet. One of the most famous example is Google. Mostly we think there is only google which is used to search anything on the internet and some how that is also not false as google is one of the worlds largest and most famous search engine. But there are more search engines too may not be famous but exist.

Some of the famous search engines on the internet includes Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex,, Baidu, and many more.

1. Google : 


One of the best and famous search engine is Google . Google was founded on September 4, 1998 by  Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University in California. It is one of the worldwide famous company whose Net Worth is $320 billion in 2021.There are many products of google which includes Google Chrome, Gmail, Google Drive, Google Photos, Google Adsence, Google Analytics , Google Play Store , Google Maps, youtube, Google Classroom, Google Translate, Google earth , Google Calender and many more.

Whenever we talk about Google we cant deny that in this modern era Google has occupied most of the technical sector. We can also earn money from Google Adsence and Google  Admob

Google Adsence: It is One of the best Adnetwork which have highest CPC and CPM than other Geniue Adnetwork. We can earn money using Google Adsence  by placing ads provided by Adsence on our blogs/sites and for click or views Google Pays us. If you are thinking how much can we earn using google adsence then itdepends on the country from where your traffic belongs to and how your traffic performs to the ads given in your blog. 

Google Admob: It is also One of the best Adnetwork for app developers. Mostly Android Apps which contains ads, that ads  are the ads provided by google admob. If you want to earn with google admob, just register on admob , place your ads on apps and upload that android app on Google play store which you can do with Google Admob account easily, bring traffic and downloads for your apps to earn money from Google Admob.

Google Chrome Browser : It is also one of the best product by google. And i think you are now also using chrome browser for visiting this page. Almost 67% of internet users uses google chrome as their browser to search anythings . 



DuckDuckGo is one of the best Search engine also best alternative of google. If you are the one who have privacy concern for search engine then must try DuckDuckGo. 

For example whenever you search anything on Google , they always keeps your records and if government ask google to give the information, google have to share that. Even in incognito mode google keeps your search information  but in case of DuckDuckGo , they never share your information with anyone. 

Privacy is more concerned on DuckDuckGo rather than Google. The search result is almost same as google. But main reason that people use DuckDuck go is for privacy and speed.
Even DuckDuckGo is also the default search engine in Tor Browser (aslo called Onion browser). DuckDuckGo never tracks their users so they never know how much exactly users are using their products . But as guess on the basis of total searches per month almost 50 million people uses DuckDuckGo search engine.

3.Yahoo Search:

Yahoo Search

Yahoo Search is rebadged version of the Bing Engine owned by Yahoo! . It was launched on March 2 , 1995.

Yahoo search listed and cached the not unusual HTML web page codecs, in addition to numerous of the more famous record-kinds, consisting of PDF, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint, phrase files, RSS/XML and plain textual content documents. For some of these supported record-types, Yahoo search supplied cached links on their search results allowing for viewing of those report-sorts in general HTML. using the superior seek interface or alternatives settings, Yahoo search allowed the customization of seek outcomes and allowing of positive settings which includes: SafeSearch, Language selection, variety of outcomes, area regulations, and many others.

4.Yandex Search:

Yandex Search
Yandex search is one of the famous search engine which is owned by Russian based Company “Yandex” . This search engine mainly provides and used in Russia . According to Live Internet Yandex Search generated about 51.2% of all the search traffic in Russia.


Bing-Search engine

One of the famous search engine is Bing which was launched by American based software company called ‘Microsoft Corporation’ in 2009. In 2021 I don`t think there would be anyone who don`t know Microsoft. The main benifit of Bing is the it gives more auto search suggestions than google does. Bing also differentiate between hidden and non-hidden contents. It is one of the best competition for google. If we compare both Bing and Google then we found in many perspective Google is best but Bing is also good.

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